I had heard comparisons to Dr. Strangelove. I don't know why I believed them. Maybe I was just very badly in a Strangelove mood and wanted something LIKE it. Either way, it's not Strangelove. Whoever made that comparison is a big asshole. It's just a war comedy. That doesn't make it STRANGELOVE! All right, so now that that's out of the way. Let me also point out, I didn't realize this was a companion piece to The Thick Of It, a BBC series I hadn't heard of. Probably another factor of my disorientation to the film. I suppose I just felt like I was getting a lot of information and wasn't absorbing any of it. It also doesn't help that its quickly spoken with a nice 'ole accent. There was a lot of "getting used to" for me. I won't deny that the film was certainly entertaining, but I will say it was a bit of chore to follow it. A great sense of humor, throughout. It's fun to see the actors work their way through the scenes, even if plot-wise I wasn't following. I mean, Horsecock jokes? I'm on board. In fact, there's a pleasant amount of goofiness. And Malcolm Tucker is an attention grabbing motherfucker, even if I felt a little tired of the crabby British fella stereotype. A movie I would definitely watch again. I'm sure there's plenty I missed. ;)

Watch out Guy Like Dr. House! James Gandolfini is a RANGER!
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